Parents and teachers are not supposed to be at odds with each other, but sometimes it feels like this is just the way it is doesn’t it? I was a little disturbed when listening to a speech delivered by Becky Pringle, the President of the National Education Association. She delivered this speech at the 2024 National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly where she called for widespread changes to make the system more equal for all students. This seems amenable at first, but after listening to the speech, I realized they are putting way too much emphasis on the race and sexual orientation of our children. During this episode of the podcast I talk about the growing divide between parents and educators. I discuss WHY this divide exists and hit on what we need to do moving forward.
Episode 259 – Two Christian Brotha’s Talking About Racism w/ Reggie Dabbs
Pastor Alex is joined by his good friend, Reggie Dabbs for a discussion on the state of racism in the US at the start of 2025. Both Alex and Reggie have written books about racism and they talk...