Our son Mason has been on his cancer journey for over 2.5 years. It’s been a lot of time in the hospital, getting prodded and poked and putting poison into his body. February 10, 2025 is the date...
Episode 249 | Daddying in the Age of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Actor Nick Cannon recently discussed how he has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I almost think that’s just a dressed up way of saying that he’s selfish. The brotha was...
Episode 248 | Anti-Christian Worldview (Postmodern Tribalism)
Everyone has a set of beliefs and practices that shape their approach to the most important issues in life. Christians need to make sure they have a biblical worldview. Even more, we need to work to...
Episode 247 | Dealing with TDS and Fear
This election has revealed a few issues that we as a society have to deal with, ever so often, specifically every 4 years. How do we deal with people who are suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement...
Episode 246 | Amendment 3 Aftermath
Last Tuesday, Missourians narrowly voted to allow abortion to be legal in our state. This is very disappointing. I'd hoped that the fine people of Missouri would be the first state to say NO to...
Episode 245 | When Faith and Politics Collide w/ Pastor Tyler Padgitt
Today is election day. Millions of Americans will cast our vote to determine which candidate we want to lead us for the next four years. During this episode of the podcast, Pastor Alex is joined by...
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