Paul gives a charge to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3 to live a Godly life. He goes on to tell him how to do this, through the power of the Holy Scriptures. We would be wise to realize in our striving to live a godly life, all of the Holy Scriptures will be useful to us for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in the way of righteousness. In this episode of the podcast Pastor Alex gives thoughts on Paul’s advice to Timothy. As well, you are in for a bonus section to this episode. We introduce a new segment, “Mason’s Moment”. Mason, himself joins us on this episode to give an update on how he’s doing.
Episode 256 | What’s up with the Anthony Fauci Pardon?!
During his last few hours in office, President Biden issued a pardon for Dr. Anthony Fauci, along with other people, including several members of his own family. My question is why? Innocent people...