Man Up

Becoming a Godly Man

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Man Up

Now Available

For those men who want to follow God to become the man He designed you to be. We wrote this book for you.

About The Book

A Guide to Godly Masculinity

Taking inspiration from King David’s words to his son Solomon, and with life lessons learned during his own journey of becoming a man, Alex offers insight into how God expects a man to act in this age of fatherless sons and the subtle feminization of men that is permeating our society. Alex shares candidly the stories that have made him who he is today, and in doing so, leaves the reader ready to become the man God has designed him to be.

About The Author 


For Alex and Angela Bryant, the heart of their ministry is simple. They are focused on fulfilling the vision of Matthew 28:19-20 – To go and make disciples of all the nations. With the launch of Alex Bryant Ministries in 2019, the Lord is using the Bryants’ experience as an interracial couple with five biracial children to share the powerful message of reconciliation across the country.

The Bryants have served in ministry since 2003, working with young adults and youth groups, and serving as lead pastors. From small rural communities to inner-city St. Louis, their experiences help them engage with people from all different backgrounds. Alex and Angela believe they’re called to make disciples of Jesus – regardless of what they look like or where they’re from.

Today, the Bryants use their platform to share the message of reconciliation, racial unity, and the importance of discipleship. With humor and passion, they speak to black and white, young and old, rich and poor with boldness. They believe that with God’s strength, the Church can experience healing and reconciliation with God, ourselves, and others.