During this episode, Pastor Alex has a conversation about our military with Colonel Scott McChrystal. Colonel McChrystal is a real American hero who served 34 years in our military and is a Vietnam War veteran. He also served as a chaplain and taught our cadets at Westpoint during 9/11. He has several kids who serve as well as his brother, General Stanley McChrystal. During this episode, Pastor Alex has Colonel McChrystal weigh in on a wide variety of topics concerning the military including, the state of our military under this Presidential transition, our military readiness, as well as the WOKE leaders and how prepared we are for global conflicts. This episode is all about the military.
Episode 258 | What Should Christians Think About Illegal Immigration
During this episode, Pastor Alex talks about a controversial hot topic right now - Illegal Immigration. President Trump has vowed to carry out the largest deportation operation in US history. This...