God assures us that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28, NIV). In this episode, Alex and Angela chat with their dear friend and co-laborer, Jeanie Turner who founded the ministry, One Way Out to help woman find a way out of the sex industry. You’ll be inspired to hear how God took the pain of Miss Jeanie’s past and turned it into a ministry that helps find, love and restore hurting women. Check out onewayout.org to learn more.
Episode 259 – Two Christian Brotha’s Talking About Racism w/ Reggie Dabbs
Pastor Alex is joined by his good friend, Reggie Dabbs for a discussion on the state of racism in the US at the start of 2025. Both Alex and Reggie have written books about racism and they talk...